With Sympathy

by | Dec 10, 2021 | News

It is with great sadness that we announce the death on 12th November 2021 of Major Jock Smith MC and Bar, ex 5 Middx. Major Smith served with 1 RSx as an ”Ever Ready” in Aden in 1965. It was whilst on this tour that he led a successful ambush on the rebels for which he was awarded the MC. After return to the UK he joined the Australian Army and whilst on a tour of Vietnam he was awarded a Bar to his MC for a successful encounter with the North Vietnamese army. Many veterans will have known Jock. May he rest in peace.

Midhurst Remembers

Midhurst Remembers

Standards gather in the market square at Midhurst, adjacent to the War Memorial, in preparation for the towns 2024 commemoration.

Arundel by The Arun View

Arundel by The Arun View

Arundel & Littlehampton Branch reinvigorated their luncheon habit at the end of the summer with a successful event in The Arun View, Littlehampton. Having lapsed for many years upon the demise of their then organiser, current Chairman Mike Stenning and Treasurer...