With Sympathy

by | Oct 3, 2022 | News

We announce the death of 14445993 Sgt Maurice Henry Roberts who died peacefully on 24 September 2022. Maurice enlisted in the Royal Sussex Regiment in March  1944, transferring to the Parachute Regiment in January 1945. In May 1945 he was part of Operation Doomsday, the military occupation of Norway immediately after the allied victory in Europe. Maurice returned to the regiment in January 1946 and was deployed first to Trieste and then to Palestine witnessing the attack on the Kind David Hotel in Jerusalem. Maurice returned to the UK and saw out his service with the Home Counties Training Battalion, Shorncliffe up to his discharge in July 1952. Maurice was, for a time, a member of the regimental association. We extend our sincere condolences to his family at this sad time. May he rest in peace.

Dieppe Raid Commemorations

Dieppe Raid Commemorations

A little late in being made aware of this, but for any Association Member wishing to participate we would suggest that you email the event organiser as shown on the invitation image.

Memorial Garden Update

Memorial Garden Update

The following is a situation and condition report on the Regimental Memorial Garden at Herstmonceux Castle. Alan Bernhem-Parter and Derek Cater visited recently to inspect and decide what remedial action was required, if any, and to determine Bader College’s policy...

St. George’s Day and Colours Interred

St. George’s Day and Colours Interred

Our annual St George's Day Service took place on Tuesday 23 April 2024 in Chichester Cathedral. What was pleasing was the increase in numbers this year with well over 200 people attending, and it was good to see QRA and Fusilier members attending. This is to be...