
by | Sep 19, 2022 | News

A service of thanksgiving for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was given in Chichester Cathedral on Saturday 17 September, to which the Regimental Association was allocated just six tickets. Chairman Maj. (retd) Barry Lane MBE TD was accompanied by John White, President of Chichester Branch and his wife Anne, Fred Hill 1st Batt. Royal Sussex, and Greg Fielder, Communications Director and his wife Nicole. The cathedral was at maximum capacity with representatives from all walks of life and local clubs and associations. The service was led by The Dean of Chichester, The Very Reverend Stephen Waine with the sermon given by The Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner.



Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Shown on the left of the picture is Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters, who recently passed away in Canada. The image was taken in 1951 and submitted to us by his family in memory of Jack, who, according to his brother Eric, was immensely proud of the fact that he formed part of the...