Menin Gate – Last Post Ceremony February 2023

by | Mar 20, 2023 | News

On 23 February 2023, a party of 36 members and partners, crossed the Channel for a three-day pilgrimage to the Menin Gate, for in March 2023 the Menin Gate will be closed to the public for renovation work lasting for a period of two years. Before that happened, the Association wanted to parade its standards at the daily Last Post ceremony. On Friday 24 February, six of our seven standards were on parade as well as a strong contingent of members. A wreath laying party consisting of two wreath bearers and John Walter Osbourne, one of our last WW2 veterans, who carried the Association wreath to the inner steps of the memorial. Fred Hill laid one on behalf of the Association and David Allaway one on behalf of the Mid-Sussex Branch. The Chairman read the exhortation and Kohima Epitaph. On the inward journey we stopped to pay our respects at the grave of one of only three men to be awarded double VC’s, Captain Noel Chavasse RAMC, at Brandhoek CWG cemetery.On Friday morning, a tour of the Ypres salient was conducted by Lt. Col. Peter McClelland from the Queen’s Regimental Association and we were most grateful for his wonderful insightful tour which took in Essex Farm, Langemark German cemetery, Vancouver Corner, Tyne Cot and finishing at Hooge Museum for lunch and paid our respects to Lt. Eric McNair of the 9th Battalion, who won his VC at Hooge Craters. A great time was had on both evenings in the lovely Ypres Town Square and our thanks go to both Peter and our Communications Director Greg Fielder who organised the trip.


Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Shown on the left of the picture is Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters, who recently passed away in Canada. The image was taken in 1951 and submitted to us by his family in memory of Jack, who, according to his brother Eric, was immensely proud of the fact that he formed part of the...