Eastbourne Branch Luncheon 2021

by | Nov 1, 2021 | News

Fifteen members of Eastbourne Branch together with partners and guests attended the Branch Luncheon at the Langham Hotel in Eastbourne on the 16th October 2021. They enjoyed a lovely three course lunch in a splendid hotel overlooking the seafront on a gorgeous autumn day. After coffee being served, they took part in a raffle, which raised over £90 for Branch funds. The next event is the annual dinner on Saturday 15th January 2022. Details and contacts are on the events page for any other Officers, Branches or non-affiliated members who wish to attend. You are all welcome.

Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Tribute to Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters

Shown on the left of the picture is Jack ‘Lofty’ Waters, who recently passed away in Canada. The image was taken in 1951 and submitted to us by his family in memory of Jack, who, according to his brother Eric, was immensely proud of the fact that he formed part of the...