The Association Branches

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Arundel Branch

Chairman: Mr Michael Stenning 
07432 148340

Secretary: Mr. Greg Fielder
01273 771440
07968 025886

​The Branch meets every first Tuesday of the month (except January) at:
East Preston Royal British Legion
The Street
East Preston
West Sussex
BN16 1JL

Meetings commence at 1300 hrs. Non branch Association members are welcome, if you wish to attend, please contact the branch Secretary prior to the meeting.



Brighton Branch
Chichester Branch

​​Chairman:  Mr. Roger Lintott
07579 795504

Secretary:   Mr. Rod Ulrich
07875 947456

The Branch meets every second Wednesday of the month at:
Chichester Rugby Club Pavilion
Wellington Road
West Sussex
PO19 6 BB

Meetings commence at 1930 hrs. Non branch Association members are welcome but must contact the branch secretary prior to the meeting.


Eastbourne Branch

Chairman: Mr Barry Lane Pro Tem
01323 460633

Secretary: Mr Barry Lane Pro Tem
01323 7460633

​The Branch meets every first Thursday of the month (except January) at:
The Alexandra Arms
453 Seaside
East Sussex
BN22 7SA

Meetings commence at 1400 hrs. preceded by lunch for those who wish to partake, 1200 for 1230 hrs. If you wish to attend please contact the branch secretary prior to the meeting.


Hastings Branch
Mid Sussex Branch